Table Banking

Table banking cycle groups:

 Getting a child to realize full potential in school requires a considerable focus to the family unit. Issues within the family unit, to a large extent, affects the overall child’s education attainment. For this reason, the organization has developed a table banking program concept focusing on families whose children are enrolled in the sponsorship program.

Parents or caregivers are organized into groups of 15 members. The groups are then trained on the importance of cultivating the culture of regular saving, pooling financial resources and regular meetings.  Training also cover rules and regulations that govern self-help groups.

Regular meetings provide a forum and the environment for bonding so that members can share life experiences, challenges and solutions. The financial pool provides a pot where group members obtain cheap and easy loans to meet family emergencies or development plans. Each group chooses their leaders who are then supported to register their groups with the Government and open bank group bank account where group money such as members’ savings, loan interests and grants are saved. Each group decide how much members can save per month.   Money collected during monthly meetings are given out as loans to members but the surplus is deposited in the bank account.

There are 14 active cycle groups that have been formed since 2021. Grapesyard school provide space for the month groups meetings under the supervision of a programs officer.

Table banking has inspired parents and care givers to save regularly. Members continue to access cheap loans to meet family financial needs such as school fees, business startup and also start group businesses to generate more income for the group. The group business also provides employment opportunities to group members.